Category: Private Label Rights Marketing

  • 4 Must-Have Tools For PLR Creators

    This post is going to look at a couple of tools that I use almost everyday to help with the PLR creation process.  These tools are certainly not PLR specific, but they will help address problems or needs that you may have related to the creative process. Even if you are a long time PLR…

  • Quality PLR Actually Exists

    Quick — what is the first thing you think of when you hear the term “PLR products”? What did you think of? Sadly, there is a high chance that you instantly thought of something negative. Since I have been creating PLR products, I have noticed that there seems to be a stigma around the term…

  • How PLR Can Make Selling On Webinars Easy

    have mentioned it before, but a personal goal of mine is to help reduce the stigma of PLR.  So many people instantly think “low quality crap”.  Well, I think stories like this will prove that there is some great PLR content out there, and more importantly, it can be used to make money right “out-of-the-box”.…

  • How You Can Become a PLR Product Creator

    Since we began on creating quality PLR content, we have come across quite a few people wondering how they could create PLR products for themselves. I think this is a wonderful idea, and feel like the more people creating PLR content should mean the higher quality available to all of us. With that in mind,…

  • How Do I Choose A PLR Topic or Niche

    When creating PLR products the very first thing you have to do is to choose a topic or niche.   Obviously, if you are creating a product or writing an article pack, you have to choose what to write about.  Basics. What might not be so obvious, is what to choose!  Since you are trying…

  • How PLR Made Me $1200

    I wanted to share a casual case study on generating money with PLR.   I found myself needing a lump sum of money last month.  It was a surprise cost that kind of caught me flat footed.  I had just finished paying for some software updates AND ALL of my outsourcers. I needed to make some…

  • What Does PLR Licensing Actually Mean?

    When you are creating and selling PLR material, there are many things to consider.   One of these things is to choose what usage rights are you going to give away on your PLR products.  Even though, by it’s very nature PLR is virtually wide open in how you can use it, there are still certain…

  • Making Sure Your PLR Investments Will Work For You

    There is a lot of PLR content available online these days.  With more content being created, there is more opportunity to find great PLR products.  I remember even a few years ago, there was much less PLR available and the quality was a bit less impressive, generally speaking.  Now that there is more and more…