Category: Selling Domains

  • What’s In a Good Domain Name?

    Some people tell me that all the good domain names are taken, but that is not true. Follow these tips for when you search for a domain name and hopefully this will help you grab a good one. Remember domain names are a couple of cheeseburgers and a coke a year to own, and you…

  • Making Money With Domains

    From Dubai to Chicago, telecom companies are introducing new area codes to meet the demand of new telephone numbers businesses. If only this was possible for Internet domain names – the .com addresses, like, and– that are the invaluable gold mine of the Digital Age. Unfortunately, there are a limited number of .com…

  • Easy Profits From Expired Domains

    “The dot com crash may have scared many people into believing there is no money to be made buying and selling domain names. But in reality the dot com crash is the reason there are so many abandoned websites that are removed and available to purchase in auctions. Automated tools available online are used for…

  • Domain Cash

    The Internet domain market has become more and more lucrative in the past few years. Almost all companies as well as many individual people these days have websites, and most would prefer their websites to be immediately recognizable. Domain names tell people what websites are about, and this can be a big plus when someone…

  • Cash In On Domain Names

    If you are aware of the best practices, reselling domain names can earn you a considerable amount of money. There are some factors that you need to consider for this. First of all, you must be able to speculate what names would sell the most and generate most demand. Let us look at all the…