Category: Wordpress Articles

  • WordPress Upgrades

    If you use WordPress to power your websites, there will be times you need to upgrade. Luckily WordPress lets you know this right in the back office of your website. You will get a notification that WordPRess is ready to be updated, and a handy link you can click on to do it. Should you…

  • Inspirations for Content

    Inspiration. Some say it is the key to great art. I think it is the key to a great many things. Most of our greatest successes and most tragic failures were sparked by inspiration. Why should our blogs be any different? What inspires you to create content for your blog? I don’t mean how do…

  • Blog Writing Tips

    If you are looking for blog writing tips, then look no further. The following five tips will help you transform your blog from boring to brilliant! 1. Write Like You Talk: This is not advice that you will hear in Journalism 101, but when it comes to blogging it is an entirely different story. If…

  • WordPress and Google

    I am very passionate about WordPress. It is an open source web publishing tool that is completely free and flexible. Out of all WordPress’ benefits, the fact that Google seems to love it so much might be my favorite. What is up with Google’s love affair with WordPress anyways? Why do WordPress sites seem easier…

  • Blogging for Home Business

    About a year ago a friend of mine started his own home based business. I can’t go into the details (upon his request), but he essentially took his favorite hobby and wanted to make some extra cash. He is not a very technical guy so he asked me about a website. I told him he…

  • Common Questions about Blogs

    I have been running a number of successful blogs for years. I have been pulled aside at many social gatherings and asked questions by people who are interested in what I do. These people are completely new to blogging and they always ask the same couple questions. Instead of repeating myself over and over again…

  • WordPress Fever

    WordPress is a pretty simple platform. There isn’t a lot of danger or ptifalls associated with it. I don’t want to scare anyone but there is one issue that can be quite dire. WordPress may infect you and your site with a disease…Plugin Fever. This plugin fever will start before you know it and will…

  • Center Youtube Videos in WordPress

    If you run a wordpress powered website you have probably wanted to embed a Youtube video at one time or another. Video can add interactivity and excitement to a blog post. Luckily, WordPress and Youtube make this a very easy process. Centering your Youtube video can be a tricky process though, especially if you don’t…

  • Creating Better Content Could Be All The Spark Your Blog Needs

    If you are an active blogger, you are probably doing everything you can to drive traffic. Those of you new to the game are probably building backlinks, blog commenting, on twitter, building facebook fan pages, social bookmarking etc.. This is all great and is something I take part in myself. Ever so often though I…

  • Know Where To Look For Answers To The Most Common WordPress Errors

    Using WordPress is a smart choice for anyone who is looking to build a web presence. One of it’s best “selling” points is that it is free. Their .com site will even provide hosting for you. There is one downside to this though – there is no one to call when something goes wrong. For…