Create, grow, and promote your WordPress blog

  • Web Copywriting: Essential or Not?

    One of the things that makes the Internet so appealing is the fact there is plenty of useful and entertaining information to be found. Of course, some website owners prefer to simply copy data from other sources as a way to flesh out the content of their sites. When this happens, they miss out on…

  • WordPress and Google

    I am very passionate about WordPress. It is an open source web publishing tool that is completely free and flexible. Out of all WordPress’ benefits, the fact that Google seems to love it so much might be my favorite. What is up with Google’s love affair with WordPress anyways? Why do WordPress sites seem easier…

  • Who Uses Web Videos To Promote Business

    After reading a little about web videos for advertising, you may be asking yourself just what type of businesses are taking advantages of this media? The answers are just about everyone who understands the concept of entertainment in advertising. Just about every business that has a website on the internet is now adding some sort…

  • Mailing And Subscriber Lists – What To Avoid

    In the last section we talked about some simple tools you can use to build your subscriber list. There are many possibilities and opportunities to expand your list if you are willing to put in the time and effort. Once you have a solid list, you are positioned to sell your product or service more…

  • What About Video Promotion?

    Perhaps, by now, you have already decided to join the 21st century and become part of the video advertising on the internet world. Just like many other smart business people and other individuals. We have gone what video advertising is, the types of businesses and individuals who use this media and the benefits of entertaining…

  • Advertising on Social Media

    Video: Brad talks about advertising using social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

  • Blogging for Home Business

    About a year ago a friend of mine started his own home based business. I can’t go into the details (upon his request), but he essentially took his favorite hobby and wanted to make some extra cash. He is not a very technical guy so he asked me about a website. I told him he…

  • Common Questions about Blogs

    I have been running a number of successful blogs for years. I have been pulled aside at many social gatherings and asked questions by people who are interested in what I do. These people are completely new to blogging and they always ask the same couple questions. Instead of repeating myself over and over again…

  • Choosing Your First Niche

    Step One – Brainstorm: Brainstorm a list (big ass possible) of all of your passions and interests. Don’t even think about making money at this point, just focus on getting a list as big as possible. Step Two – Analyze: Look through your list and pick out 10-20 different interests or passions, that you feel…

  • Introducing Your Offer and Instilling the Power Benefits

    In general, your sales copy has only a few seconds to grab the interest of a prospect and move them along to closing the sale. That means you have to provide a quality introduction to what you have to offer and follow it up with all the reasons why your product should be chosen above…

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