Create, grow, and promote your WordPress blog

  • Choosing A Web Host

    In addition to buying a web address, an online business will need to be hosted somewhere. After all, a website is essentially a collection of graphic and text files uploaded onto a remote server so other surfers can access your files. If you don’t have a web host, then what you basically have is a…

  • Using Social Network Websites For Business

    Social network websites can be very profitable but before you can profit with them you need to understand exactly what they are and how they can help you. Social network sites are websites where people that share the same interests can connect. I’m sure you would have heard of some of the more popular social…

  • WordPress Fever

    WordPress is a pretty simple platform. There isn’t a lot of danger or ptifalls associated with it. I don’t want to scare anyone but there is one issue that can be quite dire. WordPress may infect you and your site with a disease…Plugin Fever. This plugin fever will start before you know it and will…

  • Center Youtube Videos in WordPress

    If you run a wordpress powered website you have probably wanted to embed a Youtube video at one time or another. Video can add interactivity and excitement to a blog post. Luckily, WordPress and Youtube make this a very easy process. Centering your Youtube video can be a tricky process though, especially if you don’t…

  • What Kinds of Jobs Can Be Outsourced?

    Any business – whether it is a home business or a large corporate venture – entails a lot of things. With a large business, it is quite easy to see that there are a lot of things involved, but even with home businesses there are various processes, such as the planning aspect, the finding work…

  • How To Work With Offline Companies: Go Local

    If you’re an online company who specializes in consulting, you’d be wise to turn your eye to the thousands of businesses that have no sort of Internet footprint whatsoever. Your business may primarily deal with startups who come to you looking to better their Internet presence, but the fact of the matter is that there…

  • How to Use Twitter for Your Online Business

    Video: Brad discusses how to effectively use Twitter in your online business.

  • The Offline SEO Approach: Step 3, Engagement

    One of the primary reasons that social media exists in the first place is to engage. Social media gives people a platform to reach out to each other, whether that purpose is fundamentally business or pleasure. People wish to engage with each other constantly, and social media gives people the ability to do so in…

  • Less is Always More

    Say you are about to launch a new product. You spent months or even years developing the product and studying your target market. And after what seemed like eternity you are finally ready to introduce your creation to the market. The big day arrived; you opened up early and are ready to flaunt your biggest…

  • What Does a Good Headline Look Like?

    No matter how well crafted the body of your content, a headline that grabs attention will always make a difference. Of course, you want to grab the right kind of attention. That is, you want the reader to be attracted by the headline and thus want to read the body of the text. You do…

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