Create, grow, and promote your WordPress blog

  • Blogging Your Way To Business Success

    One of the cheapest and most effective ways to get the word out there about your business’ goods and services is with a blog. Blogs are excellent because they can be updated at your leisure, are specifically calibrated for ease of use, and, best of all, they can be entirely free. How can a blog…

  • The Transformation of Marketing

    Let’s take a quick stroll through the world of marketing to see what it was, what it became and what it now is… Era 1 – newspaper, magazines, radio broadcasts, direct mail, telemarketing, cold calling, television, infomercials… Era 2 – websites, banner ads, reciprocal links, ezine publishing, search engine optimization, pay-per-click, opt-in email, blogs… Enter…

  • Mobile Codes For Marketing – How It Works

    More traditional forms of mobile marketing might involve strapping an advertisement to the back of a van and driving around. Thankfully due to the relentless drive of technology startups and others companies can now work with more advanced methods of getting the message out to their customers in a mobile manner. Text message advertising is…

  • Steps in SEO Article Writing

    Many online marketers really miss out on a great opportunity, they don’t know how to write a good seo article or blog post. They spend a lot of time churning out great articles but don’t get as much from them as they could. There is a lot of debate about what is better: writing for…

  • Simple Steps for adding a lead capture form from your autoresponder to your WordPress blog

    Video: Adding a lead capture form from your autoresponder to your WordPress blog.

  • Easy Way To Get Into Mobile Marketing

    Keeping track of the many different ways that companies can market their products and brands in the modern age is getting more and more difficult. It’s getting to the point where there is no conceivable shortage of ways to market your products, but the bigger problem is that there’s so many ways that figuring out…

  • Corner The Local Market And You Can Start Thinking Globally

    The very definition of niche is that it is relevant to a specific area of interest. “Car repair” could be considered a niche, but it’s not a very specific one. “BMW car repair” is more of a niche. You probably get the idea – you can get extremely specific with your niche, but as mentioned…

  • Essentials of Creating Facebook Fan pages

    Video: Creating Facebook Fanpages

  • Great Advice For Would Be Offline Consultants

    If you’re working with clients in the offline world, you need to cultivate the same values you have while working online. If you’re looking to be a consultant of any kind, there are certain tenants you need to hold dear. We’ve compiled some of the most important for you to take a look at, internalize,…

  • Reaping The Benefits Of A Controversial Blog

    When you are constantly creating content for your blog it can become a tiresome and mundane task. You have to think of topics everyday and it can get a bit overwhelming at times. Even when you are talking about your passions, the constant need for content can get a bit boring. What about having some…

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